Wrapping Up September

Oct 03, 2023

In September we covered sugar and whether it was your vice. I included three things that you can do today to begin ending your struggle with sugar. You can revisit the blog here: Is Sugar Your Vice? 

Just doing these three things will help get you started on decreasing those crazy cravings and painful withdrawals.

We also talked about Dieting & Self-Image.  If you are stuck in the body trap of low self-esteem/bad body image syndrome, there are things that you can do to get out of it. This week's blog gave you five things that you can today to put food in its proper place and improve your self-image, without being on a constant diet.

Also, in September we talked about adrenal fatigue and how it might be affecting your relationships, your career and your personal happiness. I provided the common symptoms of adrenal fatigue and I provided you with some foods and nutrients that might help. If you missed it, you can find it here: Is Adrenal Fatigue Affecting You?

Finally, we talked about Healthy Fall Foods that are in season, and I provided you with a healthy and yummy creamy butternut squash soup recipe.

If you want to go into the holidays different this year, then join me for the 14-day Low Sugar Challenge. You can find out all about it here.

Until next time...Take Care of You!

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