The Link Between Gut Health and Estrogen Balance

estrogen gut health Jun 28, 2022
Gut Health and Hormone Balance

Did you know that estrogen imbalances can affect gut health and gut health can affect estrogen?

If you are working to obtain optimal gut health, it can also be helpful to incorporate ways to support estrogen balance.

Here are four steps that may help to support estrogen balance:

  1. Eat for gut health
  2. Decrease exposure to xenoestrogens
  3. Crowd out sugar
  4. Eat foods to support liver health

A few dietary modifications that can help support better gut health include eating a diet that is high in fiber, especially from vegetable sources, regularly consume prebiotics to feed gut bacteria. Good sources include acacia, inulin and fiber (found in bananas, chicory root, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, leeks and onions).

To decrease exposure to xenoestrogens, you want to avoid BPAs commonly found in plastic food containers, use a glass or stainless steel water bottle, and avoid phthalates and "fragrance" - both commonly found in home and personal care products.

Crowd out sugar by swapping sugary and artificial sweeteners with natural alternatives, like stevia or monkfruit. Eating a diet rich in fiber can help stabilize blood sugar and decrease sugar cravings.

Choices for a healthy liver diet include cruciferous vegetables, including bok choy, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Include bitter leafy greens, such as arugula, chard, dandelion greens, and watercress. Also, be sure to limit alcohol consumption.

There you have it, ways to improve the balance between the gut and estrogen. Be sure to eat for gut and liver health, decrease your exposure to xenoestrogens, and decrease sugar cravings by increasing fiber intake and introducing more natural sugar alternatives.

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