Stress on the Body

stress Dec 12, 2023

Research shows that 60-80% of all doctor visits involve an illness or issue that can be traced at least partly to stress.

Stress can take a toll on every system in the body, from the cardiovascular, where it raises blood pressure and puts undue stress on your heart, to the gastrointestinal, where it weakens your gut wall, allowing toxins and food particles to enter the bloodstream.

It's important to note that all emotional and physical issues have emotional and physical causes.

The root cause of depression stems from unresolved emotional issues like hurt, guilt, shame, low self-worth, no sense of purpose, or few true friends.

Your body reacts to toxic thoughts and emotional trauma by churning out the stress hormone, cortisol - and the result is as if you ate a diet of junk food. You begin to develop chronic inflammation.

Fear can cause disease in your reproductive organs, anger allows toxicity to build up in your liver, depression weakens your immune system, worry destroys your digestive health, and anxiety harms your heart and your brain.

We would all rather avoid these difficult feelings, but when we ignore, suppress, or numb our suffering, it doesn't go away; it grows - and spills over in ways that affect our ability to function in the world.

Uplifting feelings and the sense that you're connected to something larger than yourself can be the secret antidote that protects you from chronic health problems; helps you cope with sadness, anger, and stress; and gives you the resilience to handle life's inevitable challenges.

Let's address that stress and expect more by getting the support you need to make 2024 your healthiest year ever. Join me for the 28-Day Reset Challenge.

Do you find yourself eating for every other reason than being physically hungry? Do you find that food is the thing that gives you courage and comfort when nothing else can? The thing is, in order to change any habit, you have to be aware of what the habit is that you want to change.

Do you struggle with eating emotionally? Getting the mindset right is the hardest thing. Figuring out the why around emotional eating is key. When you have your mindset right, your food and your life will follow.

Unpacking the "layers of stuck" in your mind will set you on a path to emotional eating freedom.

This workbook will help you develop a healthier relationship with food by identifying triggers to emotional eating and help to develop healthier coping mechanisms so that you can learn to live your life with food.

Click the button below to get your copy of the workbook.

Get Your Mindset Right to Get Your Food Right