Simple Weight Loss Strategies

weight loss May 10, 2022

Weight loss isn't easy for most of us, but it doesn't have to be impossible.

You can start with a few things before you ever get started on your weight loss journey.

You can start by identifying why you want to lose weight in the first place, and then use that why when the going gets tough. You can also identify those things that you are willing to sacrifice and those things that are your non-negotiables, like having a glass of wine with dinner.

Making these decisions ahead of time will help when life gets in the way of making progress.

Here are some other things that might help as you're getting healthier:

Know your timeline and exit strategy - have an idea of the time frame that it's going to take you to lose the weight. If you leave it open you may never see the finish line. Be sure to set reasonable goals (1 - 2 lbs a week are recommended and doable).

Be sure to have a daily self-care/stress relieving routine - incorporate some "me" time. Remember that in order to take care of others, you have to be able to take care of yourself first. Incorporate more sleep, it's so important when you are trying to take better care of yourself.

Anticipate high-risk situations, identify triggers and develop coping/problem solving strategies for lapses - address these things right away so that 2-3 pounds gained does not turn into ten.

Replace negative self-talk with constructive and positive outlets. Be sure to write down and acknowledge all of your accomplishments and celebrate your wins.

Develop a social support network - it's always more fun when you have someone who is willing to walk the healthy path with you.

You can do this. It just takes some planning ahead of time to ensure that you are successful. You can be successful by having a goal and an end date, taking care of yourself daily and finding ways to reduce stress, anticipating high-risk situations, talking to yourself like you would a good friend, and finding a friend that will get healthy with you.

I am here if you need my help!


Always...Take Care of You!


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