Connecting to Your Hunger Rhythm

hunger May 09, 2023

Everyone has different hunger rhythms. However, if you're disconnected from physical hunger, it's difficult to honor it. Increasing awareness and finding your personal rhythm requires connecting to hunger, which can feel uncomfortable and erratic at times.That's normal. Hunger includes both physical and emotional hunger, and it constantly changes based on your physical and emotional states, as well as external influences.

Take some time to explore your hunger. Try to find your unique rhythm.

Hunger Beliefs

We all have beliefs about or associations with hunger that influence our eating habits and food relationships. Take some time to write down your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about hunger.

Your Hunger

Take some time over the next 3-5 days to track your hunger in terms of when you eat and how much you eat.

When you eat:

Sometimes you might eat not based on physical hunger, but based on external factors, emotions, or other triggers. (e.g., time).

Before you eat, make note (without judgment!) of your physical hunger using the hunger scale below:

10. Way too full - never want to eat again

9. Too full - uncomfortable, bloated

8. A bit too full - ate a little too much

7. Feeling full - don't need to eat more

6. Comfortable - can eat with control

5. Neutral - close to hunger

4. Hungry - but manageable

3. Very hungry - little low on energy, a bit uncomfortable

2. Starving - Stomach growling, ravenous, edgy

1. So hungry that I feel faint or sick

How much you eat:

Honoring physical hunger includes eating portion sizes that satisfy you and leave you feeling physically and emotionally "good" afterward.

When you decide to eat, estimate the total portion size with your hands. After you eat, check off whether you still felt hungry afterward, overfull, or happily satisfied.

Then, determine if your hunger was physical, emotional, or you weren't sure.

After 3-5 days, and completing the above exercise, take some time to answer the following questions:

What percentage of the time did I eat due to physical hunger?

Identify times when you didn't honor your physical hunger.

What percentage of the time did I eat due to emotional hunger?

Identify times when you ate from emotional hunger.

How do I honor my hunger now?

How would I like to honor my hunger?

What steps can I take to get there?

Awareness really is key to changing your emotional eating habits. You get to decide how you show up for yourself, and you get to decide how you would like to honor your physical and emotional hunger.

Remember to...Take Care of You!

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can tell you the vitamins & minerals that your body may be lacking.

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