The Benefits of Polyphenols

Apr 05, 2022

Do you know the benefits of  Polyphenols?

Polyphenals are phytochemicals naturally found in plants that help keep them strong and viable. When eaten, they also provide antioxidants and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Foods high in polyphenals include tea, red wine, dark chocolate and the following:

Coffee - While there is mixed research on the benefits of coffee, it is believed that coffee provides polyphenols and antioxidants. It also supports healthy microbiome and boosts fat.

Fruits and vegetables - This is the healthiest way to get polyphenals. You always want to opt for varied colors and flavors, whole foods and freshness.

Olives and extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) - Olives and EVOO contain inflammatory properties and help with cholesterol synthesis.

It's important to pay attention to the cooking and preparation of high polyphenol foods, because the method can influence the amount of polyphenols consumed.

Things to be aware of include:

Aging - such as wine or tea - can increase content, but aging fruit has fewer polyphenals.

Cooking onions and tomatoes can reduce content up to 80%.

Microwaving and frying can also reduce content.

Which one of these high polyphenol foods are you going to include in your diet this week?

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