14-Day Low Sugar Challenge

sugar Oct 17, 2023

Changing your diet and trying to get healthy can be hard, especially if you struggle with a sweet tooth. You end up with crazy cravings and painful withdrawal symptoms, and you just give up.

Studies have shown that sugar can be as addictive as any other drug. Some people can quit sugar cold turkey and some have to do it slowly. I've learned that one of the keys to making a new habit stick is getting the support you need to change that habit, and then stick with that habit.

I'd like to invite you to the FREE 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge where you will have that support.

With this challenge you will get a 14-day low sugar meal plan that will help you kick your sugar habit, a private community for encouragement and support during those 14 days, FREE access to the Well World App to help track your meals, water and exercise during the challenge. You will also get three group coaching sessions for support and to answer any questions that you may have about the challenge.

You will have everything that you need to help you get a handle on sugar. And the best part is that you won't be doing it alone.

The 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge begins November 1st. You can find out more about it here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at [email protected].


I know what it's like to be sick and tired of feeling sick and tired every day of your life. I know what it's like to follow diet after diet and not make progress. I know what it's like to wish that someone would just show you the way. I know that it's hard to get a hold of your health. I have been there and my goal with the Lean6 Transformation Program is to help you finally get the results that you not only want, but also deserve. You deserve to be happy & healthy and live a life where you get to do all the things that you love to do. Let me help you do that!

Reach out to me and lets get started.

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Lean6 Transformation Program.

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