Why A Hair Analysis?

hair analysis Oct 25, 2022
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Wouldn't you love to know why you have brain fog, feel exhausted, and just don't feel "good" most of the time?

In 2019, I wanted to know. That is when I asked a Health Coach friend of mine about a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

What the hair analysis showed me changed my life and my health forever.

A hair tissue mineral analysis tests for twenty six nutritional minerals and six common heavy metals. It captures significant mineral ratio imbalances. For example, a calcium imbalance also causes a magnesium imbalance.

A hair analysis also tests for metabolic type, which includes two types of fast and slow metabolisms. Understanding your metabolic type could explain the reasons you aren't able to lose the weight that you would like to.

A list of foods to be eaten or that should be avoided is also included, as it pertains to your profile. Supplements required to bring your body back into balance are also recommended.

A blood test can tell you what is going on with your body at the very moment that the test is taken. A hair tissue mineral analysis will tell you what has been going on with your body over time.

A hair tissue mineral analysis helps to explain some the symptoms that you may have been feeling like fatigue, depression, dry skin, loss of libido and many more. It's a great place to start when you know there is something wrong, but you just can't put your finger on it.

To learn more about how a hair tissue mineral analysis can help you, simply click the Learn More button below.

Always...Take Care of You!

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can tell you the vitamins & minerals that your body may be lacking.

It can also tell if you have one or more of the six common toxic metals that are so prevalent in our environment today.

It will show you what foods your body needs more of and the foods you need to consume less of, as well as the exact vitamins & minerals that your body needs.

Click the button below to learn more about a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

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