What Does Freedom Look Like for You?

freedom Jul 05, 2022
Health and Freedom

Freedom is generally "having the ability to act or change without constraint."

We just celebrated 4th of July in America. It is our day of independence, a day that we celebrate with family, friends and fireworks. I think of it as our day of freedom.

But, what does freedom mean to you, especially when it comes to your health?

Today I am more free than I have ever been with my health. I have stepped more into who I really am, not just in my physical body, but in my mind as well.

I'd like to share with you the things that helped me to become free. You can take what works for you and leave the rest.

  • I stopped living to eat and began eating to live. I cut out sugar, and processed/pre-packaged foods and I incorporated more fruits and vegetables into my diet.
  • I realized that work is a means to making a living, not your whole life. Work was everything to me and I found little time for anything else. Now, I spend more time on what is most important, building relationships with family and friends.
  • I get more rest and sleep because it's what makes me feel more alive and less willing to overeat those unhealthy foods that are thought to increase energy.
  • I did mindset work around my thoughts and worked through things that kept me stuck, like fear and "feeling my feelings."

What it boils down to is this: When I let go of the "be all, do all," I became free!

I'd love to hear your plan for becoming free. Share it with me on the Inspire Me to Health Facebook page.

Happy Independence Day!

Always...Take Care of You!

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