Overcoming Barriers to Weight Loss

weight loss strategies May 24, 2022
Overcoming barriers

Everyone faces barriers to accomplish goals.

Fitting exercise into your schedule and eating healthy take planning and willpower.

Time and willpower seem to be the most common barriers for most people when they are trying to lose weight and get healthy. It's important to identify those barriers and create strategies to overcome them if you want to reach your health and fitness goals.

Other common barriers, as well as strategies for those barriers include the following:

Family and Friends with different habits

  • Express to friends and family what your specific health goals are and how healthy eating will help you achieve those goals.
  • Suggest social interaction that does not include food, such as going for a walk.

Lack of knowledge or expertise

  • Seek information from credible sources and ask questions when in doubt.
  • Reach out to a nutrition/health coach to help get you moving in the direction of your goals.


  • Pay attention to your stress patterns. Our eating patterns often mirror our stress patterns.
  • Find other ways to mitigate stress besides eating.
  • Get moving - take a walk to get some fresh air

Reaching your health and fitness goals is absolutely possible. Look for those barriers that are keeping you from losing weight and getting healthy and use some of the above strategies or create strategies of your own.

Whatever you do, keep moving forward. You've got this!

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