How the SHAPE Program Works
Feb 14, 2023The SHAPE Program is a health transformation plan that is customized to meet your goals. You begin by having a meaningful conversation with your practitioner (that's me) about your health challenges and long-term goals. When you are ready to get started, your practitioner will have you do a baseline urinalysis and provide you with a bottle of SHAPE Drops and a copy of the SHAPE Program Guidebook.
The SHAPE Program is organized into three phases:
PHASE I: Cleanse
The purpose of Phase I is to cleanse your body of toxins. During this phase, your brain chemistry will begin to balance, inflammation will decrease, and your immune system will strengthen. If weight reduction is one of your goals, Phase I can also cleanse your body of excess weight. You will follow the SHAPE Nutrition Protocol, take the SHAPE Drops three times daily and meet regularly with your SHAPE practitioner during Phase 1. Phase 1 is a minimum of three weeks, but we recommend staying in Phase I until you reach your health goals.
PHASE II: Stabilize
The purpose of this phase is to stabilize your brain chemistry and metabolism. If you lost weight in Phase I, this phase is important for maintaining your weight. You will stop taking the SHAPE Drops, begin reincorporating new foods and continue to meet with your SHAPE practitioner during Phase II. Phase II is exactly three weeks.
The purpose of Phase III is to use the knowledge you gained in the previous two phases to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can start taking the SHAPE Drops again as a daily supplement to maintain optimal health. Phase III is making SHAPE a part of your everyday life.
The SHAPE Program is open for enrollment until Monday, February 27th at midnight. Be sure to check out the program along with the bonuses by clicking the button below.
I'm always here if you have questions. Send them to me at [email protected].
Until next time...Take Care of You!
Do you find yourself eating for every other reason than being physically hungry? Do you find that food is the thing that gives you courage and comfort when nothing else can? The thing is, in order to change any habit, you have to be aware of what the habit is that you want to change.
Do you struggle with eating emotionally? Getting the mindset right is the hardest thing. Figuring out the why around emotional eating is key. When you have your mindset right, your food and your life will follow.
Unpacking the "layers of stuck" in your mind will set you on a path to emotional eating freedom.
This workbook will help you develop a healthier relationship with food by identifying triggers to emotional eating and help to develop healthier coping mechanisms so that you can learn to live your life with food.
Click the button below to get your copy of the workbook.