Dietary Dos & Don'ts for Every Body

toxins May 23, 2023
Toxic, nontoxic

Cutting through the confusion of the plethora of nutrition information available first requires an education in some of the dietary fundamentals that apply to everyone.

"A person in a high state of health is not too fat or too thin, has plenty of energy, sleeps well, digests food comfortably and efficiently, is served by a healthy immune system, and exhibits a general zest for life."

To achieve a high state of health, you want to take a look at the toxic foods that you want to cut from your diet and those nontoxic items you would like to include in your diet.

Toxic items to cut from your diet include:

  • canned fruits & vegetables
  • commercial eggs, due to antibiotic and hormone content
  • refined salt
  • sodas, whether made with sugar or artificial sweeteners
  • commercial milk and milk products
  • commercial meat that has residues of hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics
  • genetically modified foods
  • empty-calorie, non-nutritious foods

Nontoxic items to include in your diet are:

  • fish and seafood from deep water areas
  • organically raised meat and poultry
  • natural sea salt
  • organic herbs and spices
  • free-range eggs without residues from hormones and antibiotics
  • unprocessed foods in their natural state

The main point here is to do the best you can to feed yourself supportive nutrition. If some of your favorite foods are on the avoidance list, at least make sure you enjoy them in moderation.

If you are someone who has struggled all your life with emotional eating, I have something exciting for you. I have put together The Emotional Side of Weight Course and registration for the course is now open. I want you to be a part of this life-changing course so that you can end your struggle with emotional eating. Find the information below to get started:

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can tell you the vitamins & minerals that your body may be lacking.

It can also tell if you have one or more of the six common toxic metals that are so prevalent in our environment today.

It will show you what foods your body needs more of and the foods you need to consume less of, as well as the exact vitamins & minerals that your body needs.

Click the button below to learn more about a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

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