Are You Ready for Spring?

spring Feb 14, 2022

Spring is just around the corner.

In fact, it's only 34 days away. Are you ready for it?

You can be. You just have to change a few things in your daily routine to get yourself ready for it.

Look at ways to cut stress in your life - many times when we are over-stressed we tend to overeat whether we are hungry or not.

Increase your fruits & veggies - doing this will help you to feel better/healthier, feel fuller and they will help to "crowd out" those not so healthy foods.

Cut down or eliminate foods that come in packages - try to replace those foods with whole, healthy foods like whole grains, lean meats, nuts, seeds & beans.

Include weight training in your workouts - adding weight training will help to build lean muscle mass, which will help to burn more calories, even at rest.

Increase your protein intake - Protein has a high satiety effect and will keep you feeling full longer. It will also help with increasing lean muscle mass.

Incorporating these few changes can have a significant impact on your body and your health, and will get you ready for spring and summer.

I'd love to hear what changes you have made. Share them with me on the Inspire Me to Health Facebook page.

I'm here for you if you need some help getting to your best health.

Always...Take Care of You!

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can tell you the vitamins & minerals that your body may be lacking.

It can also tell if you have one or more of the six common toxic metals that are so prevalent in our environment today.

It will show you what foods your body needs more of and the foods you need to consume less of, as well as the exact vitamins & minerals that your body needs.

Click the button below to learn more about a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

I'm Ready to Learn More!